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On February 17, 2021 the COP Paul Rolle officially opened the Real Time Crime Centre.
Posted on February 17, 2021 | by The Royal Bahamas Police Force

On February 17, 2021 the COP Paul Rolle officially opened the Real Time Crime Centre.The event was attended by the Most Honourable Dr. Hubert Minnis and the Honourable Marvin Dames who brought remarks. Here is the Commissioner's speech below.

Commissioner of Police RTCC Opening Address

The Most Honourable Dr Hubert A Minnis, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, the Honorable Marvin H Dames, Minister of National Security, Ms Cheryl Darville, Acting Permanent Secretary, Commodore Tellis Bethel, Standards Inspectorate at MONS, Dr. Jennifer Bethel, Research Analyst at MONS, Mr. Paul Jones, Legal Counsel at MONS, Deputy Commissioner Ismella Davis Delancy, Assistant Commissioners, Dr. Kenneth Romer, Executive Director, Ministry of Tourism, Gazetted Police Officers, Father Stephen Davies, Contracted Officers, Members of the Press, Ladies and Gentlemen.

In a 1994 interview with the Rolling Stones magazine, the late Steve Jobs, former CEO and visionary of Apple offered that "Technology [by itself] is nothing. What's important [he stated] is that you have faith in people, that they are basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they will do wonderful things with them". As a progressive science, policing is technological at its core.

The Bahamas benefits from an enormously broad spectrum of technology. From electronic technology, such as the closed-circuit television (CCTV), Marco's Alert, body-worn and dash cameras respectively; to telecommunication technology such as E-911 Emergency at Police Control Room, "Crime Stoppers Bahamas", and Covid-19 Emergency lines; to aerial technology such as drones; to acoustic technology such as 'ShotSpotter' and even hybrid collaborative technologies that utilize digital technology and conjoin intergovernmental agencies to assist in the national development of policing this great nation.

It is from this vast pool of technological resources that the Royal Bahamas Police Force now creates safer communities. The Real Time Crime Center (RTCC) streamlines these components into a centralized monitoring base that functions as the brain behind these electronic eyes on the streets. The RTCC makes live and recorded information available for easy access to assist with police investigations. This vital department within the Force is pertinent to its progression.

The use of CCTV, body-worn camera and dash-camera technologies by the Force will continue to have a direct and positive effect on the prevention and detection of crime. These devices will also be used in a manner so as to disprove detractors and annul malicious allegations against the police. Additionally, these devices will also uncover any wrongdoings of police officers and hold them accountable for their actions.

In 2020, the Force operationally deployed 158 cameras and has recorded over 5,341 hours of footage. To date, there have been several requests for footage recorded during police operations for clarity on particular events, complaints and corruptions purposes, and 2 homicide investigations. This organization is committed to transparency.

The ShotSpotter technology is an ambitious technological means to respond with prompt precision and accuracy, to tend to possible victims and apprehend offenders far sooner than the normal occurrence. This technology allows the police to receive an instant notification on mobile and other issued devices pinpointing the geographic location of the gunshots for immediate response.

It is the continued advancement of technology and its procedural integration into the functions of policing that will create a smarter police force, one that is more effective in carrying out its duties to the Bahamian public. It is my vision that this can and will be accomplished as the organization continues to grow and advance. Thanks technological advancements, we can instantly communicate across the world. And so I say, let us use it to make our Bahamas a much safer place.

Thank you!


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